Simple Systems – Lever, Pulley, Gears, Wheels & Axle
Simple Systems – Lever, Pulley, Gears, Wheels & Axle
Work (02:49)
Tim and Moby look into what makes work work.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Levers (02:40)
From seesaws to scales to wheelbarrows, the lever has proven to be one of the best inventions ever! Learn about the different classes of levers in this animated movie.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Time Line | Q&A
Inclined Plane (01:59)
What do a doorstop, a ramp, and a screw have in common? Watch this movie to learn how this simple invention makes our lives easier!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Wheel and Axle (01:42)
Tim and Moby explain how the wheel and axle works as a simple machine.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Pulley (02:09)
One of the neatest simple machines is the pulley! It lets you lift really heavy stuff! Check out this animated movie to learn how…
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Gears (03:41)
Shift into high gear! (Or don’t. Just stay in neutral. It’s totally your choice.)
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
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