Writing a Letter Instructions, Guides, Exercises & Lessons

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Writing a Letter Instructions, Guides, Exercises & Lessons

There are many types of letters from Friendly Letters to Business Letters. You will learn the many types of friendly & business letters and their format.

Sample Letters of Many Types: http://www.letterwritingguide.com/. 


Friendly Letter


Format & Instructions   Sample of a Friendly Letter

other Friendly Letters

Writing an Apology LetterSample Apology Letter

Writing an Invitation LetterSample Invitation Letter

Writing Thank You NotesThank You Note Sample

Writing Love LettersLove Letter Sample

Writing a Condolence LetterSample Condolence Letter



  1. Write notes in your writing notebook about the format of a Friendly Letter.
  2. Choose a type of friendly letter to write and the person you will be writing it to
  3. Write a Friendly letter and follow the format of a friendly letter

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