Good Character Traits Relating to Others (Updated)

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Compassionate – Feeling or showing sympathy and sadness for the suffering of others, and wanting to help them solve their problems and feel better


Dependable – Can be trusted to do what is necessary and expected

Disciplined – Trained mentally or physically via instruction or exercise in order to follow rules


Ethical – In accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong


Fair – Treating others in a way that is both right and reasonable by refraining from allowing personal bias to influence proper judgement

Faithful – Strict or thorough in the performance of duty through steady devotion and upholding of one’s vows

Forgiving – Willing to allow others to make mistakes without holding a grudge

Friendly – Pleasantly and welcomely being respectful and helpful


Generous – Willing to give something of unexpectedly high quantity and/or quality


Honest [Latin honestus, from honos, honor.] – Acting fairly and telling the truth without deception or fraud; genuine

Honorable [Latin honorabilis.] – Deserving of great respect and appreciation for diligently following virtuous principles

Hospitable – Welcoming of guests and treating them with friendliness and generosity


Integrity – Adamant adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty


Just – Conforming with what is morally correct


Kind –Voluntarily utilizing one’s time, talent, and resources to better people’s lives with earnest compassion, generosity, and service


Loving – Warmly kind with great care and affection

Loyal- Characterized by or showing faithfulness to commitments, vows, allegiance, obligations, etc.


Mannerly – Acting with a well-behaved disposition that is respectful and gracious

Meek – Gently showing quietness, patience, and humility


Patient – Enduring irritation and difficulty with calmness

Polite – Conducting oneself in a refined, courteous way towards others through civil behavior, speech, etc.


Reliable – Consistently working well according to expectation and dependable in achievement

Respectful – Full of, characterized by, or showing politeness or deference

Responsible – Liable to account; accountable; answerable; as for a trust reposed, or for a debt


Self-control – The ability to control one’s emotions, behavior, and desires in order to obtain some reward or avoid some punishment

Self-sacrificing – Giving up something of personal value for the sake of someone else

Sincere – Free of deceit, hypocrisy, or falseness; earnest

Sympathetic – Expressing kindness to someone who has a problem, and being willing to understand their feelings


Thoughtful – Carefully considerate of people, situations, and other things

Trustworthy – Deserving of confidence and able to be counted on


Unselfish – To considerately regard the best interests of others and not just oneself


Worthy – Having adequate or great merit, character, or value

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