Latin Root Vocabulary & Spelling Word Study – Week 1

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Learn the Latin Root Vocabulary & Spelling Word Study for Week 1 with 20 Spelling Word List, Printable Study Practice Worksheets (w/answer keys) and a 4 Day Learning Exercises. 5th Day Students Test their Knowledge

Latin Root Vocabulary & Spelling Word Study – Week 1

Latin Roots Words Vocabulary & Spelling Word Study for week 1 includes …

  • 10 Latin Root Word Vocabulary
  • 20 Spelling Word List
  • Printable Study Practice Worksheets (w/answer keys)
  • 4 Day Learning Exercises
  • 5th Day Students Test their Knowledge



Latin Roots Wk 1 Spelling List and Definitions

Latin Roots wk 1 Study Sheet

10 Latin Root Vocabulary Words


– Latin word meaning  “year” anniversary – a date observed once a year;
annual – happening once a year;


-Latin word meaning “pain” neuralgia – pain caused by a nerve;
analgesic – a drug that makes one pain free;
nostalgia – aching for the familiar


-Latin word meaning “flesh, meat” carnivorous – flesh-eating;
carnal – pertaining to the body or flesh;
incarnate – given bodily form


-Latin word meaning “empty” vacant – empty, not occupied;
vacation – a time without work


-Latin word meaning “one, single” unicycle – a vehicle with one wheel;
unilateral – decided by only one person or nation;
unique – the only one of its kind;
unison – as one voice.


vers / vert

-Latin word meaning “turn” reverse – to turn around;
introvert – being turned towards the inside;
version – a variation of an original;
controversy – a conversation in which positions are turned against each other.


-Latin word meaning “one thousand” millimeter – one thousandth of a meter;
millibar – one thousandth of a bar;
milliliter – one thousandth of a liter.


-Latin word meaning “two, twice, once in every two” biannual – happening twice a year;
binoculars – optical device with two lenses;
bilateral – of or involving two sides


-Latin word meaning “sides” bilateral – of or involving two sides;
unilateral – affecting one side of something.
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-Latin word meaning “three, third, every three triangle – a figure with 3 sides and 3 angles;
triathlon – an athletic contest with 3 events;
tricycle – a 3-wheeI vehicle with pedals.
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Latin Root Word Spelling List – Week 1

  1. millennium – 1,000 years
  2. bicentennial – occurring every 200 years:
  3. evacuate – to empty a dangerous place;
  4. vacant – empty, not occupied;
  5. unicycle – a vehicle with one wheel;
  6. unilateral – decided by only one person or nation;
  7. unique – the only one of its kind;
  8. unison – as one voice.
  9. contradict – to express the opposite of;
  10. dictate – to speak out loud for another person to write down.
  11. introvert – being turned towards the inside;
  12. version – a variation of an original;
  13. controversy – a conversation in which positions are turned against each other.
  14. universe – a world or sphere in which something exists or prevails
  15. versatility – capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.:
  16. millimeter – one thousandth of a meter; millibar – one thousandth of a bar; milliliter – one thousandth of a liter.
  17. carnivorous – flesh-eating;
  18. carnivore -an animal that eats flesh.
  19. bilateral – of or involving two sides
  20. trilateral – having three sides

Spelling Words with Latin Origins

Learning Exercise

Day 1:

  1. Print Study Sheets

    Latin Roots Wk 1 Spelling List and Definitions

    Latin Roots wk 1 Study Sheet

  2. Write Definitions for the 10 Spelling Latin Vocabulary & 20 Spelling Words in your notebook (writing helps you remember).
  3. Complete Latin Root Words Wk 1 Multiple Choice worksheet.

Latin Roots Wk 1 Multiple Choice

Day 2:

  1. Research possible similar words using the thesaurus, Write a word substitute for each spelling word word below. Write N/A if not available.
  2. Complete Latin Root Words Wk1 Crossword

Latin Roots Wk 1 Crossword

Day 3:

  1. Write a  sentence for each spelling word

Day 4:

  1. Write each spelling word 3 times each (or) Write words 2 times each, one of the rows write in ABC order.
  2. Print & Complete Latin Roots Wk1 Lined Worksheet: Latin Roots Wk 1 Lined
  3. Study for Spelling and Latin Root Vocabulary Test Tomorrow

Day 5:

  1. Spelling Test: Teacher Test 20 Spelling Words
  2. Vocabulary Test: Take the Latin Root Wk 1 Vocabulary Test by Matching Definitions to the Word

Latin Roots Wk 1 Matching

Game Ideas

Online Word Search – click on the letters that form a word to cross it out


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