Phonics: Rules & Lessons

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Phonics on the Web – This site contains several rules for spelling and phonics, the method of teaching elementary reading and spelling based on understanding parts of words. – for teacher
Phonics Theory– for teacher


#1 Short (a) #32 Vowel Pattern (old, ost)
#2 Short (i) #33 Variant Vowel Pattern (or)
#3 Short (u) #34 Review (oe, oe, oa, –o, ow, old, ost)
#4 Short (o) #35 Vowel Pattern (ue, ue)
#5 Short (e) #36 Vowel Pattern (ew, ui)
#6 (ea) Combination #37 Review (ue, ue, ui, ew)
#7 Digraph (th) #38 Review Long Vowel Patterns
#8 Digraph (wh) #39 Suffix (byebyee“)
#9 Digraph (sh) #40 Contractions
#10 Digraph (ch) #41 Spelling Pattern (are)
#11 Bossy “r” (ar) #42 Variant Vowel Bossy “r” (ur)
#12 Vowel Pattern (ae, ay) #43 Variant Vowel Bossy “r” (er)
#13 Vowel Pattern (ai, eigh) #44 Variant Vowel Bossy “r” (ir)
#14 Review (ae, ai, ay, eigh) #45 Variant Vowel Bossy “r” (or)
#15 Singular, Plural (ant, ants) #46 Variant Vowel Pattern (long oo)
#16 Singular, Plural (branch, branches) #47 Variant Vowel Pattern (short oo)
#17 Suffixes (ed, ing) #48 Variant Vowel Pattern (ow, ou)
#18 Ending (le) as in apple #49 Variant Vowel Pattern (aw, au, al, all)
#19 Vowel Pattern (ee, –e) #50 (wa) as in water
#20 Vowel Pattern (ea) #51 Variant Vowel Pattern (oy, oi)
#21 Vowel Pattern (-y) #52 Soft c (ce, ci, cy)
#22 Vowel Pattern (ey, ie) #53 Soft g (ge, gi, gy)
#23 Review (ee, ea, –e, –y, ey, ie) #54 Soft g (dge)
#24 Vowel Pattern (ie, ie) #55 (ch) as in chimney, chef…
#25 Vowel Pattern (igh, –y) #56 Initial Blends
#26 Vowel Pattern (ind, ild) #57 Final Blends
#27 Review (ie, ie, igh, –y, ind, ild) #58 Silent Letters (ph, gh)
#28 Spelling Rule (plural) #59 Digraph (ng)
#29 Vowel Pattern (oe, oe) #60 Ending (tion, sion)
#30 Vowel Pattern (oa, –o) #61 Silent Letters (wr, kn, mn, mb)
#31 Vowel Pattern (ow) Spelling & Dolch Words

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