How to Take Good Notes When Reading Bible Stories

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How to take good notes when reading bible stories


  •  In your notebook write the Title of the story on the top,
  • Then write the Chapter that you read under it
  • Skip a line and take notes by answering the questions below…
  • Write neat and take good notes.


1) Main Character

Write down the names of the main characters

2) Important Facts:

Write down important facts as you read

3) Main Events:

Write down a summary of the main event.

4) Key Memory Verses:

Write down key verses that you will want to remember

5) Answer this Question:

What  is the problem in the story? (if any) and

How was it solved? (if it was solved)


6) Is there a Moral in the Story?

If no, What did you learn anything from it?



Story Title Bible Reference & Summary Notes Link
Creation – How the World Was Made Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:7
Eden – The First Earth-Home Genesis 2:8 to Genesis 3:24
Cain and Abel – The First Children Genesis 4
Noah’s Ark – And Why It Was Built Genesis 5:1 to Genesis 9:17
The Tower of Babel – And Why It Was Never Finished Genesis 9:18 to Genesis 11:9
Abraham – A Man Who Heard And Obeyed God’s Call Genesis 11:27 to Genesis 12:20
How Abraham Ended a Quarrel Genesis 13
Lot’s Choice, And How It Brought Trouble Genesis 14
Hagar, Ishmael, And God’s Promise To Abraham Genesis 15 to Genesis 17
Abraham Gets Strange Visitors Genesis 18
Sodom And Gomorrah, And What Happened to Them Genesis 19
Ishmael – The Little Boy Who Became A Great Hunter Genesis 20 to Genesis 21:21
How Abraham Gave Isaac Back to God Genesis 22:1-20
How Abraham Found a Wife For Isaac Genesis 23:1 to Genesis 25:18
The Story of Jacob Genesis 5:15 to Genesis 27:41
The Ladder That Reached to Heaven Genesis 27:42 to Genesis 29:12
Jacob And Rachel Genesis 29:1-30
Jacob And Esau Genesis 32 to Genesis 33
The Story of Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors Genesis 37
Pharoah’s Dream Genesis 39 to Genesis 41
Joseph And His Brothers Genesis 42 to Genesis 45
Moses In The Bulrushes Exodus 1 to Exodus 2:10
The Israelites’ Burdens Exodus 2:11 to Exodus 6:13
Pharaoh’s Overthrow Exodus 7 to Exodus 14
Moses Smites the Rock Exodus 17:1-7
Aaron’s Golden Calf Exodus 32
The Ten Commandments Exodus 19-35
The Return of the Spies Numbers 13 to Numbers 14
The Brazen Serpent Numbers 21:4-9
Balaam and the Ass Numbers 22
Joshua at Jericho Numbers 27, Deut. 34, Josh. 1-6
The Story of Gideon Judges 6 to Judges 7
Jephthah’s Daughter Judges 10 to Judges 11
Samson and the Lion Judges 13 to Judges 14:6
Samson and the Gates of Gaza Judges 14 to Judges 16
Naomi and Ruth Ruth 1 to Ruth 4
Hannah Dedicates Samuel 1st Samuel 1 to 1st Samuel 2:21
Samuel’s First Prophesy 1st Samuel 3 to 1st Samuel 4:18
David Is Anointed King 1st Samuel 8 to 1st Samuel 16:13
The Story of Saul 1 Samuel 9 to 1 Samuel 10:25
David and Goliath 1st Samuel 17:1-54
David Playing Before Saul 1st Samuel 18 to 1 Samuel 19
David and Jonathan 1st Samuel 20 to 1st Samuel 26
David is King 2nd Samuel 1 to 2nd Samuel 18
Solomon Crowned King 1st Kings 2:1-11
The Judgment of Solomon 1st Kings 3:16-28
The Queen of Sheba’s Visit to Solomon 1st Kings 10:1-13
Elijah Fed by Ravens 1st Kings 12:16 to 1st Kings 17
Elijah Restores the Widow’s Son 1st Kings 17:17 to 1st Kings 18:40
Elijah Taken to Heaven 1st Kings 18:41 to 2nd Kings 2:14
The Story of Elisha 2nd Kings 2:15 to 2nd Kings 13
Jehoash the Boy King 2nd Kings 12 to 2nd Kings 14:16
Jonah – The Prophet Who Tried To Run From God Jonah 1-4
The Sad Ending of the Kingdom of Israel 2 Kings 17
The Good King Hezekiah 2 Kings 18-20; 2 Chronicles 29-32
King Josiah and the Story of a Forgotten Book 2 Chronicles 34,35
Jeremiah, The Weeping Prophet Jeremiah 1-52
The People of Judah Live in a Strange Land 2 Chron. 36:14-21
Daniel and His Friends Stand Before a Great King Daniel 1
Daniel in Babylon, and Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Daniel 2
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Fiery Furnace Daniel 3
God Humbles the Proud Heart of Nebuchadnezzar Daniel 4
The Strange Handwriting on the Wall of the Palace Daniel 5
Daniel in the Lions Den Daniel 6
Daniel’s Angel Visitor Daniel 8-12
The Home-Coming of the Jews Ezra 1:1 to Ezra 3:7
How the New Temple was Built in Jerusalem Ezra 3:7 to 6:22; Haggai 1,2
Esther-The Beautiful Girl who Became a Queen Esther 1,2
Haman’s Plans to Destroy All the Jews Esther 3:1 to Esther 4:3
How Queen Esther Save the Lives of Her People Esther 4:4 to Esther 10:3
Ezra, the Good Man Who Taught God’s Law Ezra 7:10; Nehemiah 8
Nehemiah-The King’s Cupbearer Nehemiah 1:1 to 2:18
Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls of Jerusalem Neh. 2:19 to 13:31; Malachi 1-4



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