Many Graduates of High School & Collages who Can’t Read

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You may or may not be surprised to find out that there are

Many High School & Collages Graduates who Can’t Read

This very interesting article is a good read Its about a man named John Corcoran, who graduated collage & taught High School for 17 years, but never learned to read, write or spell.

In the article he speaks about how he acted up in school to mask the fact that he couldn’t read.  As he got older, he mastered cheating his way through high school & college.

“I believe that illiteracy in America is a form of child neglect and child abuse and the child is blamed and they carry the shame, if we just teach our people how to read we’d give them a fair chance,” Corcoran said.

Mr. John Corcoran took it upon himself at the age of 48 to learn to read.  It’s really a sad story, but not an isolated one.

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