About Science Methods, Experiments, Theories & Inquiries

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About Science Methods, Experiments, Theories & Inquiries


KEYWORDS: (Potential Spelling Words, click to expand)

[toggle Title=”METHOD“]- n. procedure, plan of action, way; manner in which one conducts business, technique; systematic arrangement of actions[/toggle]

[toggle Title=”EXPERIMENT“]-n. attempt to discover or test something, trial, research v. attempt to discover or test something, try, venture, research[/toggle]

[toggle Title=”THEORY“]n. coherent group of general assumptions, body of principles belonging to a certain subject; speculation, hypothesis[/toggle]

[toggle Title=”INQUIRY“]- n. exploration, questioning, investigation; formal investigation, inquest; question[/toggle]

[toggle Title=”SCIENTIFIC“] adj. of or pertaining to science; systematic, methodical; adhering to the principles of an exact science[/toggle]

[toggle Title=”OBSERVATION“]- n. act of watching; act of looking; act of paying attention; supervision; remark  n. observance, observation, adherence; remark, comment; study[/toggle]

[toggle Title=”HYPOTHESIS“]- n. explanation which gives a reason for observed phenomena, theory (especially in the sciences); supposition, assumption[/toggle]

[toggle Title=”QUANTITATIVE“]adj. pertaining to quantity; measurable, having a determinable quantity[/toggle]

[toggle Title=”EVIDENCE“]n. proof, something which proves or disproves  v. offer proof, prove, show to be true  n. evidence, obviousness[/toggle]


[toggle Title=”ACCURATE“]

adj. precise, exact

adj. careful, accurate, tidy, natty, trim, clean, precise, nice, painstaking, true, particular, faithful, thorough

adj. accurate, punctual, exact, prompt



[toggle Title=”DATA“]n. information, facts      v. date, write a date on[/toggle]

[toggle Title=”CONFIRM“] v. approve; verify, show to be true; strengthen[/toggle]

[toggle Title=”MODEL“]- is a scientific statement that has some experimental validity or is a scientific concept that is only accurate under limited situations[/toggle]


[toggle Title=”PROCEDURES“]

– n. routine, protocol; course of action; subroutine, sequence of instructions (Computers)

n. process, procedure, proceedings
n. procedure, proceedings



[toggle Title=”OBSERVE“]

-v. watch, study; monitor, supervise; discern; keep, honour; fulfill religious commandments; follow, abide by; remark, comment

v. observe, watch; examen; notice, comment, remark; adhere, keep, respect, obey
adj. observed, examined



[toggle Title=”ANALYSIS“]

n. process of breaking down a subject and studying it; examination

n. analyst, examiner, one who analyzes



[toggle Title=”CONCLUSION“]

n. end; final decision; deduction

n. termination, ending
n.  finish; inference, deduction; closure; hiatus



[toggle Title=”VARIABLES “]

– n. something given to variation; quantity that may represent any one of a set of values (Mathematics); star whose brightness variates at intervals (Astronomy)

adj. changeable, fluctuating, inconstant; fickle; having a quantity that is unfixed; deviating from the norm
n. variable, something variable; quantity that may represent any one of a set of values; (Statistics) variate



[toggle Title=”BASELINE“]

– n. starting line; (Printing) imaginary line on which the bottoms of letters sit (excluding the tails on g, y, p, q, and j); line which marks each end of the court (Tennis); area in which a runner runs from base to base on a baseball field (Baseball)





Scientific Method  (04:15)
How do scientists come up with all those theories? Believe it or not, there’s a method to the madness! Learn all about it in this animated movie!
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Science Projects  (03:21)
Got a science project to do? Let us help!
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Steps of the Scientific Method

Biology for Kids

Scientific Method Quiz

Myth Busters – Uses the Scientific Method to prove or disprove common beliefs Discovery Channel – Mythbusters, Google Videos: Mythbusters Search, How Stuff Works: Mythbusters Search, AOL Videos: Mythbusters, YouTube: Mythbusters

Watch a Myth Buster & then complete this worksheet



Scientific Worksheet

Perform a Scientific Inquiry -How does the weight of paper affect how far a paper airplane will fly? Advanced Students

Old Wives Tales

The Simpsons Identify the Controls & Variables

Scientific Method Stories – identify steps of the scientific method used to solve a real world problem about patient illness (beriberi) and penicillin
The Elephant Poem – contemplate the nature of observations
The Martian and the Car – identify what makes something “alive”
Lab Safety – illustration, identify good and bad procedures
The Language of Science– prefixes and suffixes

Debunking the Paranormal – investigate a “claim” from a scientific standpoint, critical thinking skills

How Many Hands on a Horse  – article with questions about measuring horses and the importance of standard units

Scientific Method Scenarios – take a question and design an experiment to test the question, each group receives a different question and shares their design with the class


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