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Material Changes, Temporary & Permanet Part 1- Interactive Learning
Material Changes, Temporary & Permanet Part 2 – Interactive Learning

Characteristics of Matter Part 1- Interactive Learning
Characteristics of Matter Part 2 – Interactive Learning

Properties of the States of Matter – Interactive Learning
Reactions of Materials – Interactive Learning
Reactions of Materials – Part 2 Interactive Learning

Some Types of Materials – Interactive Learning

What is Matter? – Interactive Learning

When is Matter Alive? – Interactive Learning

Living Organisations of LIving Things – Ineractive Learning

Cell Structure & Function – Interactive Learning

Plant Cells – Interactive Learning

Specialized Plant & Animal Cells – Interactive Learning

Planet Cells – Ineractive Learning

Animal Cells – Interactive Learning

Using a Microscope – Interactive Learning

Temperature & Enzymes – Interactive Learning
PH & Enzymes – Interactive Learning

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