Technology – Many advances

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The distinction between science, engineering and technology is not always clear. Science is the reasoned investigation or study of phenomena, aimed at discovering enduring principles among elements of the phenomenal world by employing formal techniques such as the scientific method.[13] Technologies are not usually exclusively products of science, because they have to satisfy requirements such as utility, usability and safety.

Engineering is the goal-oriented process of designing and making tools and systems to exploit natural phenomena for practical human means, often (but not always) using results and techniques from science. The development of technology may draw upon many fields of knowledge, including scientific, engineering, mathematical, linguistic, and historical knowledge, to achieve some practical result.

Technology is often a consequence of science and engineering — although technology as a human activity precedes the two fields. For example, science might study the flow of electrons in electrical conductors, by using already-existing tools and knowledge. This new-found knowledge may then be used by engineers to create new tools and machines, such as semiconductors, computers, and other forms of advanced technology. In this sense, scientists and engineers may both be considered technologists; the three fields are often considered as one for the purposes of research and reference.


Gears  (03:41)
Shift into high gear! (Or don’t. Just stay in neutral. It’s totally your choice.)
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Pulley  (02:09)
One of the neatest simple machines is the pulley! It lets you lift really heavy stuff! Check out this animated movie to learn how…
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Radar  (03:57)
How far, how fast, how big… how does radar get all that information about distant objects?
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Bridges  (04:28)
Nothing spans rivers, lakes, and canyons like a bridge!
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Cars  (03:51)
Cruise along with Tim and Moby in this BrainPOP movie about cars!
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Compass  (01:31)
How does a compass know which way is North? What is “North” for that matter? Find out here!
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Computer History  (03:51)
Does it not compute? Or does it compute so darn much that we just blew your circuits?!
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Dams  (02:50)
People have used dams to control their environments for thousands of years. Let Tim and Moby show you how they work!
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Global Positioning System  (02:46)
GPS receivers are great at helping you get un-lost, but just how the heck do they work? Tim and Moby explain!
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Hybrid Cars  (03:57)
Go under the hood to see what makes hybrid cars go!
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Lasers  (02:28)
Zap! Nothing says “beam of coherent light” like a laser! Learn how lasers work in this animated movie!
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Radio  (03:46)
AM or FM? The choice is yours with this movie about the ins and outs of radio!
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Refrigerator  (02:10)
How does your refrigerator stay cool? Watch this movie and learn!
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Robots  (01:51)
Robots–our little mechanical pals! Learn about what makes a robot, what robots can do to help us, and more!
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Skyscrapers  (02:46)
Learn about the tallest structures in the world, and how they stay up!
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Submarines  (03:05)
Dive deep underwater with Tim and Moby as they explore the world of Submarines!
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Telephone  (04:17)
Hello? Can I speak to Cassie and Rita? Yes, Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me a little about the telephone! Yes, I’ll hold.
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Television  (04:54)
We used to think that TV was a magic box with tiny people inside it putting on little plays for our amusement! Now, thanks to this movie, we know better!
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Video Games  (05:01)
Discover the secrets to how video games are made!
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Airbags  (02:30)
Airbags in cars save lives, but how do they work? Learn the truth from Tim and Moby!
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CD  (02:08)
How can that flat plastic circle hold all that information? Learn about CDs, both music and data in this here animated movie! There’s some stuff about DVDs, too, if you’re interested!
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Data Storage Devices  (04:11)
CD, DVD, or flash drive? We tell you what they are; you decide what you need!
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Fax Machine  (01:52)
Before e-mail there was the fax! And frankly, fax machines still come in pretty handy! Let Tim and Moby show you how they work!

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MP3  (02:52)
You hear about MP3s all the time, but exactly what are they? Tim and Moby explain this interesting file format in this snappy animated movie.
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Printer  (02:05)
Computers are great, but what happens when you need something on paper? That’s where the printer comes in! Okay, so you knew that, but this movie shows you how the printer actually does its job!
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CD  (02:08)
How can that flat plastic circle hold all that information? Learn about CDs, both music and data in this here animated movie! There’s some stuff about DVDs, too, if you’re interested!
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