Dietary Do's | Dietary Exceptions | Dietary Don'ts | Clean or Unclean | Is it Lawful? |
100What is Leviticus 11:21-22?
The Law that permits you to eat flying permitted creeping things for food.
100What is Deuteronomy 14:21
The law states that you may never eat the fat of any animal.
100What is Deuteronomy 14:11-19?
The law that states not to eat unclean birds for food.
100What is type of flying creeping things are clean to eat?
Locust, Beetles or Grasshoppers after their kind.
100What is unlawful to during the feast of unleaven bread and Passover?
Unleaven bread is not lawful to eat during this time
200What is Deuteronomy 14:11?
The law that permits you to eat clean birds.
200What is Exodus 21:28?
The that law states that you may never eat an ox that kills a human.
200What is Leviticus 11:41-43?
The law that states all creeping things, such as worms or insects shall not be eaten as food.
200What are some examples of clean beasts of the field for food?
Ox, Lamb, Goat etc...
200When is it unlawful to eat from apples trees?
Apple trees are under 4 years old.
300What is Genesis 1:29?
The law that states herbs, seeds, fruits & vegetables are food.
300What is Deuteronomy 12:23-25
The law that states you may never eat blood of any animal, instead you must poor it in the ground.
300What is Leviticus 1:4-7?
The law that states you shall not eat unclean beats of the field.
300What is type of animals in the water are unclean to eat?
Lobster, Shrimp, Clams, Octopus etc..
300When is it lawful to drink alcohol?
You may drink it anywhere except inside the tabernacle of the congregation.
400What is Leviticus 11:3
The law that states that whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, and cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat.
400What is Deuteronomy 22:6-7
The law that states you may eat baby eggs or chicks if you come across a nest in the way, but the mother bird must be set free.
400What is Leviticus 11:44?
The law that states you may never eat reptiles for food.
400What type of unclean birds are unclean to eat?
Ostriches, Storks, Herons, Owls and Bats
400What is the only unlawful day out the year to eat?
Day of Atonement
500What is Leviticus 11:9?
The law that states permitted animals in the water to eat, must have fins and scales.
500What is Exodus 22:31?
The law that states that you may not eat an animal killed by another animal.
500What is Leviticus 11:10-12?
or What is Leviticus 11:10-12?
The law that states you may never eat animals in the water that don't have fins and scales.
500What are some examples of clean beast of the field, that are typicaly uncommon to eat?
Moose, Antelopes, Reindeer, Giraffes etc...
500When is it unlawful to eat an ox?
An ox dies of natural causes, kills a human or is killed by animal
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