Writing a Story & Writing Prompts

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Learn to Write a Story

Get writing ideas & topics, learn the writing elements, the difference between fiction and non-ficiton, and how to edit your writing. Many worksheets to print & interactive online learning.

The Worksheet Place Writing prompts and writing topics.

Story writing prompts. Procedural writing topics, expository writing topics, narrative writing topics, persuasive writing topics, and paragraph writing starters and prompts. Students are oftel looking for writing topics, you’ll find writing topics, writing prompt and writing starter worksheets for grades 1 to 6.

[roboshot url=”http://worksheetplace.com/index.php?function=DisplayCategory&showCategory=Y&links=3&id=282&link1=43&link2=154&link3=282″ width=”275″ newpage=”TRUE” link=”TRUE” refresh=”TRUE”]

Teaching Tools – 180 Journal Writing Prompts

Lists writing ideas to inspire a stories.

[roboshot url=”http://www.dailyteachingtools.com/journal-writing-prompts.html” width=”275″ newpage=”TRUE” link=”TRUE” refresh=”TRUE”]

Story Starters

Write a story online. Choose a theme (Adventure, Sci-Fi, Fantasy or Scrambler). Then choose a grade level and spin the wheel.  This website will get you started with many fun ideas.  Type it online and print or save it to your computer.

[roboshot url=”http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/story-starters/” width=”275″ newpage=”TRUE” link=”TRUE” refresh=”TRUE”]

National Writing Project

10 ideas that get children writing

[roboshot url=”http://www.nwp.org/cs/public/download/nwp_file/8944/10ideas.pdf?x-r=pcfile_d” width=”275″ newpage=”TRUE” link=”TRUE” refresh=”TRUE”]

Super Teacher Writing Ideas

[roboshot url=”http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/journal-prompts.html” width=”275″ newpage=”TRUE” link=”TRUE” refresh=”TRUE”]

Elements of a story printables and worksheets. The Worksheet Place

  • These worksheets can be used with 7 to 12 year olds.
  • Elements of a story are important reading comprehension concepts.

[roboshot url=”http://worksheetplace.com/index.php?function=DisplayCategory&showCategory=Y&links=3&id=358&link1=43&link2=261&link3=358″ width=”275″ newpage=”TRUE” link=”TRUE” refresh=”TRUE”]

The Worksheet PlaceElements of fiction and elements of non fiction worksheets.

  • These worksheets are suitable for 2nd to the 4th grades.
  • Students need to understand the elements of fiction and non fiction beginning in the 2nd grade.
  • Read a variety of stories to children and have them brainstorm what the characteristics of fiction and non fiction are.

[roboshot url=”http://worksheetplace.com/index.php?function=DisplayCategory&showCategory=Y&links=3&id=365&link1=43&link2=261&link3=365″ width=”275″ newpage=”TRUE” link=”TRUE” refresh=”TRUE”]

Editing Checklists   – These checklists are similar to success criteria checklists with the exception that the success criteria should be developed between the teacher and students.

  • Revising checklists, peer editing checklists.
  • Revise writing and editing check lists. Self editing checklists.

[roboshot url=”http://worksheetplace.com/index.php?function=DisplayCategory&showCategory=Y&links=3&id=331&link1=43&link2=154&link3=331″ width=”275″ newpage=”TRUE” link=”TRUE” refresh=”TRUE]

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